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Hamsa Hand Personalised bamboo notebook and pen

Hamsa Hand Personalised bamboo notebook and pen

Regular price £24.99 GBP
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Our laser engraved notebook with a hand of Hamsa is a great way to get organised and gives you a way to visually manifest your goals, dreams, and ideas. The Hamsa hand is an ancient symbol of good fortune and protection, making it a perfect reminder to stay positive and focused.

Every one of our personalised notebooks has an eco-friendly modern bamboo cover and pages made from recycled paper, so you can definitely feel good about using it without sacrificing style. The engraved details on the cover make it a very personal item, perfect for gifting or as a special treat for yourself.

Let us know whether you need the pen engraved too, and then you'll be ready for anything!

Should the Hamsa hand be up, or down? 

Whether or not the Hamsa should be facing up or down depends on what you want to do with it. If you are looking to be safe from evil and to have negative thoughts banished, go with the hand up. If you wish to show abundance and positivity, have it facing down.

Is it OK for me to use the Hamsa hand?

Although the hand of Hamsa is now synonymous with Judaism and Islam, its original symbol still remains. In this way, it is acceptable for anyone, no matter whether they are religious or simply trying to ward off evil and bring on good luck.

What is the meaning of the Hamsa hand? 

The Hamsa Hand is a universal sign of protection, power and strength that dates back to ancient Mesopotamia. Known as the Hand of Fatima in Islam and Hand of Miriam in Judaism, it's believed to protect against against the evil eye and and all negative energies.

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